2024 “Rostros y rastros de Jordania”, Exhibition at Casa Arabe, Madrid.

2021 Untitled, solo exhibition at Center d’Art La Rectoria, Sant Pere de Vilamajor, Barcelona, Spain.

2018 The Big Wood Project, producing three big sculptures from only one big piece of wood, Malaysia.

2016 "Bare Hands" a group exhibition at Ashia Gallery, Fukuoka, Japan.
2016 "Another calmness" a group exhibition at Chinkokuji temple, Fukuoka, Japan.
2016 "Full contact" a group exhibition at Tetra Art Space, Fukuoka, Japan.
2016 "Another calmness" a group exhibition at Chinkokuji temple, Fukuoka, Japan.
2016 "Full contact" a group exhibition at Tetra Art Space, Fukuoka, Japan.

2015 Two stone sculptures added to the pre-existing three sculptures at the National Gallery's park, Amman, Jordan.